Review by the Institut de l'économie circulaire (Circular economy institute) on the European Commission's "circular economy" package.

Last modified by the author on 20/06/2016 - 10:26
Review by the Institut de l'économie circulaire (Circular economy institute) on the European Commission's

The Institut de l'économie circulaire has published its Review on the European Commission's "circular economy" package. 

Within the framework of the European Commission, which aims to strengthen the interaction between political and economic decision-makers at national and European levels, the Institut de l'économie circulaire has begun a collective analysis that helped build this review. 

François-Michel Lambert, Chairman of the Institut de l'économie circulaire and a deputy, says "This document reaffirms the need for Europe to adopt a package of ambitious measures to accelerate and support the transition to the circular economy. Some additional incentives are needed to initiate a real change of economic model that will disconnect economic activity from resource consumption". 

Through this review, the Institut de l'économie circulaire wishes to reiterate some key measures already in the package and submit a number of additional proposals that will give this package the force required to initiate a sustainable transition to the circular economy. 

Press contact | Gael Soreau, communications officer | [email protected]

About the Institut de l’économie circulaire
The Institut de l’économie circulaire is a national association involving many different people. It provides a forum for thinking and action, whose aim is to promote the circular economy. 
Launched early 2013, the Institute brings together over 200 members, structures (companies, local authorities, NGOs, etc.) and qualified persons such as parliamentarians, researchers and experts, involving them in a collaborative approach. Pooling expertise and resources, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience between all experts and stakeholders are part of the Institute's make-up. 
The association, whose mission to provide information and to communicate is paramount, disseminates and promotes achievements and best practice in the area of the circular economy. It also facilitates the creation of synergies between those involved to promote the emergence of multi-stakeholder projects. 

Chairman of the Institute: François-Michel Lambert 
Sponsor of the institute: Coline Serreau 
Founding members of the Institute: Groupe La Poste, GrDF, FEDEREC, Kedge Business School, Fondation Nicolas Hulot

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Author of the page

Adrian Deboutière

Chargé de mission Animation territoriale et Economie circulaire

